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Dominion seeks to recover roughly $300M in polar vortex fuel costs from customers

Rod Kuckro, E&E reporter The extreme cold during this past winter’s polar vortex and subsequent weeks forced Dominion Virginia Power to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to cover the high cost of natural gas used to produce electricity as well as extra power bought in the PJM Interconnection’s wholesale market. Now, the Richmond, Va.-based […]

Coal Must Be a Part of the Nation’s Future

There is a battle going on in our nation right now over the future of energy, and West Virginia is at the center of this debate. We are the nation’s third largest energy producer and second largest producer of coal. Yet, there is an effort by some to not only limit how we use and […]

EPA’s coal regs: all pain, no gain for Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s economy has been on the upswing, but Washington’s proposed greenhouse gas regulations could change all that. The Environmental Protection Agency’s prospective crackdown on new and existing power plants will drive up energy prices across the nation, but the proposed regulations will hit Badger State families and businesses particularly hard. The latest surge in the […]

Quinn: Don’t worry about EPA power plant regulations?

It was good to see that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy traveled last week from the nation’s capital to visit an energy capital. They spoke truth to power, posing good questions that voiced the skepticism of North Dakotans about EPA’s regulations and the concerns of most Americans about the regulatory impact on the economy […]

J. Winston Porter: We need to keep coal in our energy mix

President Obama spoke of his “all of the above” energy strategy during the recent State of the Union address, but his actions tell a very different story. Coal, America’s most abundant fuel and the workhorse of our electricity supply, is being kicked aside. The president is pushing the to make it virtually impossible to build new coal plants in the […]

Harsh Winter Reveals Necessity Of Coal

For the past three months, millions of Americans on the East Coast have endured constant freezing temperatures, regular deluges of snow, and expensive heating and electric bills. Pulling out all the stops to keep the East Coast’s lights on, utilities and grid operators employed every source of power they could to stave off dangerous brown […]

RPT-West Virginia senator pushes coal bill as counterweight to EPA

As the Obama administration readies rules to force all U.S. power plants to lower the rate at which they produce greenhouse gases, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a major coal state, is trying to steer a bill through the Senate that he said would hold off the Environmental Protection Agency. The bill that Manchin, […]

PA Coal Alliance Says EPA Requirements Hurt the Poor

A Pennsylvania coal advocacy group is claiming that coal-fired power plants can’t meet federal emission requirements, and residents are paying the price. According to Pennsylvania Coal Alliance CEO John Pippy, restrictions from the Environmental Protection Agency are causing the shut down of coal-fired power plants that he thinks are still needed as a short-term solution […]

Energy official: Electricity prices to soar 80 percent, thanks to EPA coal regulations

Regulations for new coal plants would increase electricity prices by as much as 80 percent, an Obama administration official told lawmakers on Tuesday. Julio Friedmann, deputy assistant secretary for clean coal at the DEPArtment of Energy, told members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s oversight board that carbon capture and storage technology was still not […]

Sierra Club Pressed EPA to Create Impossible Coal Standards

Emails between the Sierra Club and the EPA produced through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit show the green group and senior officials at the nation’s top environmental enforcer met and corresponded frequently about the agency’s work on new coal regulations. The EPA published its long-awaited New Source Performance Standards for new coal-fired plants […]